Psychic is a term used in reference to the phenomenon of an individual being able to perceive information beyond what is known or natural through means that are currently considered normal. Psychic abilities can help in giving a psychic reading through Tarot Cards, Runes, and Astrology.
There are many different psychic abilities that people can have. Clairvoyance is the ability to see things that are not physically there. Clairaudience is the ability to hear things that are not physically there. Clairsentience is the ability to feel things that are not physically there. Claircognizance is the ability to know things that are not physically there.
5 Ways To Know If You Have Psychic Ability
To know if you have psychic abilities, ask yourself the following questions:
1. Do you often have dreams that come true?
If you often have dreams that come true, it is likely that you have some form of psychic ability. Dreams are one way that our guides and angels communicate with us.
2. Do you often see things or hear things that others do not?
If you often see things or hear things that others do not, it is likely that you have some form of clairvoyance or clairaudience. Clairvoyance is the ability to see beyond what is physically seen and clairaudience is the ability to hear beyond what is physically heard.
3. Do you feel like you know more than you should about people or situations?
If you feel like you know more than you should about people or situations, it is likely that you have some form of claircognizance. Claircognizance is the ability to know beyond what you cannot logically prove.
4. Do others ever tell you about things they never told you before?
If people often tell you about things they never told you before, it is likely that you have some form of clairsentience or psychometry which are forms of empathy requiring physical contact with a person or object. Clairsentience is the ability to pick up on emotions and feelings while psychometry is the ability to hold an object and sense what has happened to it in its past by seeing images within your mind’s eye.
5. Do numbers even mean anything special to you?
If numbers ever mean anything special to you, it is likely that you have a connection with the angel known as Aratron who governs over all things in relation to mathematics.
What are the signs that you have psychic abilities
Here are 7 signs that you have psychic abilities:
1. You constantly feel different from everyone else.
If you constantly feel different from everyone else, this is most likely so because when your spirit left the physical world to come here, it came in through a different portal than most others, the one located in the fourth dimension which allows spirits to always be aware of their surroundings. A person’s guide or guardian angel is often found there before they incarnate into the matter and remain in that location unless called upon by their charge for assistance.
2. You are always aware of other spirits around you.
If you are always aware of other spirits around you, this is likely to be so because the location where your spirit resides within the fourth dimension allows for angels and guides to be completely visible to us. However, they can only show themselves if we have advanced ourselves energetically enough allowing their vibrations to become more apparent through ours.
3. You have a great connection with animals or nature.
If you have a great connection with animals or nature, this is likely because there are many animal spirits that reside here on earth during the time between lives while waiting for souls who are about to incarnate into human bodies. They stay there until is time for them to help one of those souls with their reincarnation.
4. People often label you as being weird or awkward.
If people label you as being weird or as being awkward, it is likely because as a spirit from the fourth dimension, your energy vibrates at a different frequency than those from other dimensions who have not reached that level of spiritual advancement yet. This energy can be felt by others and makes us stand out from everyone else, making us seem either unusual or odd to them.
5. You have a fascination with death or the darker aspects of life.
If you have a fascination with death or the darker aspects of life, it is likely because as a spirit from the fourth dimension, you are already aware of what comes after this life and so the things that scare other people do not hold the same fear for you.
6. You have the ability to read people’s thoughts.
If you have the ability to read people’s thoughts, it is likely because as a spirit from the fourth dimension, your vibration is so high that you can easily pick up on the thoughts of others around you even if they are not vocalizing them aloud.
How to develop your psychic abilities further
If you want to develop your psychic abilities further, here are some practices that will help:
Meditation: This will help to still the mind and allow for your intuition to speak louder.
Chanting: This will help to open up your energetic channels so that you are more receptive to messages from beyond.
Journaling: This will help you to better understand the messages that you are receiving.
Psychic readings: This will further help you to understand your abilities.
Exercise: This will help to build up your energy levels, making it easier for messages from the spirit world to get through to you.
How to use your psychic abilities to give a psychic reading
To give a psychic reading, you need to be able to truly listen to the messages that are coming through and allow the information to flow intuitively without you trying too hard. Here is how it’s done:
Keep your mind open: Try not to shut out any information, even if it seems far-fetched at first glance. You can sort or discard it later on if it turns out to be not as relevant as it first seemed.
Be patient: Your abilities may not work at their best straight away or they may come and go intermittently, so you have to be prepared to give yourself enough time for this to happen. Additionally, those who are being read will also need some time for them to relax and open up so that you can receive the most accurate information from them.
Be compassionate: Remember that you are working with people who are trusting you with very personal information, so it is important to be respectful and understanding at all times.
Take your time: Do not try to rush through the reading as this can lead to incorrect information getting through.
Be open to surprising yourself: This is why it is important not to shut out any information as you never know where it might lead you. Even if the person refuses to answer your questions, this does not mean that they are not there or that you will be unable to read them. Trust in your abilities and know that you will receive the information that is meant for you.
Do not try to force: Your abilities cannot be forced and so if they do not come through, this does not mean that you are doing anything wrong. Be patient and wait for them to show themselves, as it may take some time for this to happen during a session.
Psychic abilities can be used to help others in their lives, but it is important to remember that they should always be used with compassion and understanding. Remember that you are working with people who are trusting you with very personal information, so it is important to be respectful and understanding at all times. Finally, trust in your abilities and know that you will receive the information that is meant for you.